martes, 26 de julio de 2011


This is a description about my favorite place for vacation.

Punto Fijo is a place for vacation. It is from Falcon (Venezuela). The weather is very hot. Punto Fijo has beautiful beaches. They are great for: relaxing, surfing and swimming. You should wear:

Unit 11 clothing

1 Makes: treats patients.
2 Where he works: in a hospital, clinic.
3 What is your occupation: Doctor.
4 What is your personality: Nice, intelligent, safe.

1 Makes: Advocates for people with.
2 Where he works: Court, prosecution, in his own office.
3 What is your occupation: Lawyer
4 What is your pesonality: Intelligent, certain seriuos.

Take the 2 surveys.


We are the World.!

This is a video that makes a nice reflection for all people

This video speaks of the union, the love, the hope and help people when they need us and not look back to lend a hand.

  As can see in the video all together can succeed.

jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

Parts of my house

exercises unit 9 homework

My house...

In my house there is two rooms, two baths, one room, one dining room, one kitchen, one study and the porch.

My favorite part... ¡The room!

The favorite part of my house is the room, this one is very big and nice. It has bed, TV, pictures, dresser, chairs, mirror, lamps, air conditioning, closet, sound system and computer. It is here where I study and relax.

my diary routine

Be happy 

poem para papa francisco


Happy father day from your daughter mayerlin
father of Yacquelin y Jesus
We wish you a happy day, with love from your three children
You are an ejemplar father
You are a rose that God gave us in our way, for blessing and taking of the good path.
We know you dont like chavez, and you like candies so much.


Love you
Mayerlin De Romero

martes, 28 de junio de 2011


*Mayerlin:Hi Yesuana how are you?
*Yesuana: Hi Angely good and you?
*Mayerlin: Well thank god! I can make you a question?
*Yesuana: Yeah right tell me wath happened?
*Mayerlin: Yesuana what time you usually get up?
*Yesuana: I get up around at 10 oclock am
*Mayerlin: That's ok and generally what is your routine after you wake?
*Yesuana: Good friend after I get up I go to the beathrooom,
  Breakfast, get dressed and then I check my schudele of
  Matters before I left for university class
*Mayerlin: And when it arrives at your house after you leave class?
*Yesuana: Arribed around at 6:00pm oclock I bath, and then I get
  To review the materials the next day before going to sleep!
*Mayerlin: Ok thanks for the information rita you are well.!

"So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks
and not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was"

I like this phrase because say that with the money you can make the things more easy,
but mainly help to the peoples.

Well, hope you liked it .! Please leave a comment.!

video comment price tag
A Comment of two song
These two songs leave us thinking about the money: One is price tag and the other billionaire.

Price Tag
"Why is everybody so obsessed?
Money can't buy us happiness"I like this phrase because means that the money isn't all in the life,
 the money can't buy the magics moments of day to day

videos comment

A Comment of two song these two songs leave us thinking about the money one is

Download Jessie J's 'Price Tag' now from iTunes:
Amazon UK fans only:

                                      " Why is everybody so obsessed?
Money can't buy us happiness"I like this phrase because means that the money isn't all in the life,
                        the money can't buy the magics moments of day to day

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011


Hi, my name's Jonathan. My favorite month of the year is March. I love to celebrate my birthday. My favorite day of the week is Friday, beacuse I go out on fieldtrips. My favorite day of the year is April 12th. That say I eat coliflower and dirnk orange juice.We celebrate my birthday at home with my family and friends. My birthday is on March 2nd. I was born in 1989. I'm 22 years old and next year I'm going to be 23...


Hi, my name's Mayerlin. My favorite month of the year is December. I love to celebrate my birthday and christmas. My favorite day of the week is saturday, beacuse I spend all day with my family. My favorite day of the year is November 18th.That say I eat hamburguer and dirnk coca-cola.We celebrate my birthday at my mom's house with my family and friends. My birthday is on December 28th. I was born in 1970. I'm 40 years old and this year I'm going to be 41...

Celebration in Venezuela!!

All January 14 moves in a massive procession and fervent, the Divina Pastora Barquisimeto's Cathedralfrom the church of Santa Rosa. This procession is considered the second most important in Latin America, surpassed only by that of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico


Carnival is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent; the main events are usually during February. Carnival typically involves a public celebration or parade combining Carnival is a festival traditionally held in Roman Catholic and, to a lesser extent, Eastern Orthodox societies. Protestant areas usually do not have carnival celebrations or have modified traditions, such as the Danish Carnival or other Shrove Tuesday events. The Brazilian Carnaval is one of the best-known celebrations today, but many cities and regions worldwide celebrate with large, popular, and days-long events.

some elements of a circus, mask and public street party. People often dress up or masquerade during the celebrations, which mark an overturning of daily life.


Carnival in Venezuela (2 days of festivals, 40 days before Easter) is a time when youth in many rural towns have water fights. Anybody and everybody that is out in the streets during the week of Carnival is subject to being soaked. Coastal town and provinces celebrate carnival much more fervently these days than any place in the country. Venezuela regard carnival about the same way they regard Christmas and Semana Santa (Holy Week; the week before Easter Sunday) when they take the opportunity to visit their families and enjoy this festive time with them.


This video is very significant because it presents situations in which we reflect. Shows how we must prepare to act.

I think that we are all unique in our way of life, despite all the differences, because each one creates his life of a way unique and incomparable.

"You are original, cannot replaced". this is the phrase that we should think.!

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

My Schedule

This is my activities's schedule, from monday to sunday, including my classes at URBE and my activities at home. Everyday I wake up at 8:00am, take breakfast and at noon I eat my lunch then I go to the University. And when I arrive at home, I take care of my baby, prepare dinner and go to bed watching TV. Sometimes, on saturdays, I go out with my husband or friends to the disco.

poema para mi mama Mercedes


Happy mother day from your daughter mayerlin
Mother of Yacquelin y Jesus
We wish you a happy day, with love from your three children
You are an ejemplar mother
You are a rose that God gave us in our way, for blessing and taking of the good path.
We know you dont like chavez, and you like candies so much.

de paz

Love you
Mayerlin De Romero

Michael Jackson's song

The song its about relationship in general, no matter what happen to you, always there is somebody next to you, a friend's hand sopporting you. This song shows no matter if michael jackson is dead, there is somebody thinking of him, beacuse he was a great friend and singer.

Be happy
Mayerlin de Romero

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Welcome to my Blog

hello, world! this is my level 2 blog. Here I will post my homework and share interesting things to practice my English
My name’s mayerlin paz but you can call me maye. I’m from Maracaibo, originally. I live in Maracaibo, in milagro norte. I’m 30 years old and I study integral education at URBE . My favorite subjects are planificacion and English. This trimester I am taking 5 classes and I am in the 3rd trimester.

I love music, merengue, salsa, driving my car (I have a red sport car), surfing the net, studying English, talking on the phone with my friends, pizza ,macarronada, chocolate savoy, my family , my country and my dog.

I hate onions, listening to hip hop, getting up early on the weekend, violence, war, injustice, and washing the dishes. I can't stand people smoking.

My dream is to travel around the world, visit the Pyramids in Egypt and The Eiffel Tower in Paris. Of course, I want to graduate from Engineering School and be a good engineer. I also want to learn to speak French, and Italian. I’d love to work in an important company and buy a house, get married and start a family.

About English, I love to learn new languages. I think English is very important. I listen to music and watch TV in English. It’s a good exercise. I also chat on the internet and have friends in many countries. I can write well, but I need to practice more. The most difficult for me is speaking. I want to practice in class and out of class, too. I hope I can make a lot of friends and practice speaking in this class.

well, this is a little about me! hope you liked it... Please, leave a comment!

be happy!
mayerlin de romero

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

La gripe, gripa o influenza es una enfermedad infecciosa de aves y mamíferos causada por un tipo de virus de ARN de la familia de los Orthomyxoviridae. Las palabras gripe y gripa proceden de la francesa grippe (procedente del suizo-alemán grupi (acurrucarse), mientras que influenza procede del italiano.
En los seres humanos afecta a las vías respiratorias, inicialmente puede ser similar a un resfriado y con frecuencia se acompaña de síntomas generales como fiebre, dolor de garganta, debilidad, dolores musculares (mialgias), dolor estomacal, articulares (artralgias), y de cabeza (cefalea), con tos (que generalmente es seca y sin mucosidad) y malestar general.[1] En algunos casos más graves puede complicarse con pulmonía (neumonía), que puede resultar mortal, especialmente en niños pequeños y sobre todo en ancianos. Aunque se puede confundir con el resfriado (catarro) común, la gripe es una enfermedad más grave y está causada por un tipo diferente de virus.[2] También puede provocar, más a menudo en niños, náuseas y vómitos,[1] que al ser síntomas de gastroenteritis hace que se denomine gripe estomacal o abdominal.[3]
La gripe se transmite desde individuos infectados a través de gotas en aerosol cargadas de virus (procedentes de saliva, secreción nasal y bronquial), que son emitidas con la tos o los estornudos o sólo al hablar. Ya mucho más raramente, a través de las heces de pájaros infectados. También es transmisible por la sangre[1] y por las superficies u objetos contaminados con el virus, que se denominan fomites.
Los virus de la gripe resisten más en ambiente seco y frío. Pueden conservar su capacidad infectiva durante una semana a la temperatura del cuerpo humano, durante 30 días a 0 °C y durante mucho más tiempo a menores temperaturas.[4] [5] Puede ser fácilmente inactivado mediante detergentes o desinfectantes                            

Influenza virus particle color.jpg                            

Definición de Ambiente

El término ambiente de acuerdo al uso que se le de puede referir varias cuestiones.
Por un lado, el fluido que rodea un cuerpo, especialmente el aire y que permanece en el espacio físico en el cual se encuentra ese cuerpo. Un ejemplo de esto es el de la temperatura ambiente.
Regularmente, la palabra ambiente, se usa cuando se quiere dar cuenta del estado del aire o la atmósfera. Se suele decir el ambiente está cargado cuando algunas condiciones confluyen en espesar el aire que respiramos.
Además, por ambiente se entiende a aquellas condiciones y circunstancias físicas, humanas, culturales y sociales que rodearán a las personas, animales o cosas, según corresponda. Este tipo de uso del término lo vemos con mucha claridad cuando por ejemplo visitamos la casa de un artista plástico y todo lo que hay allí una pintura, un cuadro, un pincel, fotografías relacionadas con el arte, entre otras, nos remiten al quehacer de este y nos permiten reconocer fácilmente que se trata de su ambiente. Esto mismo por supuesto se puede extender a otros ámbitos como ser el universitario, familiar, rural, entre otros.ambiente

OrquídeaLa GranadillaCascada